​The RSPCA has an experienced team of around 60 officers - trained to work in fast water and contaminated water, to rescue both people and animals - to provide assistance to communities affected by flooding. The charity has put together top tips for extreme wet weather.

The charity advises all animal owners to ensure their pets and livestock stay safe in harsh weather conditions, including periods of wet weather which can lead to flooding.

Jason Finch - the charity’s national water rescue coordinator says: “Make sure you have a plan so that you know how to get your animals out of danger if the worst was to happen and you found yourself caught up in flooding.

“Floodwater can rise very quickly so if there is a flood warning in your area then act early and put your flood plan into action.

“Don’t put your own life or another’s life in danger to attempt an animal rescue and call us for help in an emergency.”

Top tips

  • Plan your escape route and keep contact details of people who can help you move your animals in an emergency;
  • Ensure you can be contacted in an emergency - if you have horses or livestock in field attach your contact details to gates so you can be contacted;
  • Make sure you have suitable carriers available for small animals and keep a supply of food in case of evacuation;
  • Bring small animals inside and, if possible, upstairs, and move food, bedding etc somewhere dry;
  • Put important documents in sealed bag along with photo of pet incase they get lost;
  • Move livestock and horses to high ground and ensure you have emergency feed and water supplies;

You can call Floodline - 0345 988 1188 - for information and flood warnings 24 hours a day, or visit:


